Sunday, November 30, 2014

Digital Badge #L

Digital Badge #L

Reserved google image tecnology education

After reading chapter twelve of Transforming Learning with New Technologies. The most important concepts I found  interesting were :

Stages of Technology Integration
Nowadays, it's so important for teachers to integrate technology into their classrooms. However, there are five stages when it comes to where you are with technology as a teacher.  The five stages are Entry, Adoption, Adaption, Appropriation, and Invention.

First Stage: Entry
In the Entry stage, teacher needs to gain specific skills in how to use computers and technologies before she or he is able to think about how to apply new knowledge to classroom situations .
Second Stage: Adaption
In the Adaption stage, the teacher knows enough to use technology in the classroom but only at a basic level and only occasionally.
Third Stage: Adaptation
In the Adaptation, the teachers fully integrate new technology into a traditional classroom practice meaning the teacher use technology in regularly as part of teaching.
Fourth Stage : Appropriation
At the Appropriate stage, a teacher is using technology  to as both and in the classroom and outside the classroom tool.
Fifth Stage: Invention
At the invention stage, a teacher is exploring new ways to creativity use technology in and out of the classroom as well as adding emerging technologies to personal  repertoire  of professional skills and practices.

Technology Integration Issues
There are six major issues  that take place in a classroom that directly affect the teachers efforts to  integrating technology into teaching.

1. Administration Support And Teaching Skills:
This issues is due to the lack of support from teachers who don't wanting to change their teaching style. Many teachers don't want to add technology into a classroom nor they want to be trained and be open minded in learning today's technology.

2.Unwillingness To Change Favorite Lesson Plans:
This issue is due to teachers who don't want to change their classroom favorite lesson plan to involve new technologies. This teachers are old school and don't want to learn about today's technology.

3. Relavtance To Use Technology In The New Lesson Plans:
This issue is due to teachers not wanting to add new technology into their classroom lessons that they have never taught. This teachers are not willing to give a little more extra  time to their students to help them understand the technology.

4.Use Of Technology As A Reward Or Punishment:
This issue is due to teachers using computers as an rewards or punishments instead of an educational tool. This strategy can is used to enhance their students learning.

5.Use Of Technology As An Add On To Other Activities:
This is when teachers use technology as an add-on to a lesson to help their students to have a better understanding or cause a distraction  in the class lesson . However, these teachers need to learn when  to add technology into their class lesson.

6.Use Of Technology To Separate Students By Ability Groups:
This issue is due to schools using technology to determine academic levels among students. It helps students to push themselves when their not doing well academically. 

Strategies for Single and Multiply- Computer Classrooms

A single or multiple computers can successfully transform teaching and learning in classroom through  four Single and Multiply- Computer Classrooms which are information, Interaction, Presentation and Rotation.

Information: Single or multiply computer and in a classroom perform as always on call librarians and always available tutors for individuals, pairs , or small group. Students can access educational information anytime through websites providing dictionaries, maps, weather pages, video links  and story read aloud  and a  writing formats.
Interaction: Students can access computer and online resources to which they interact with the computer for learning.. An example are online read aloud children's books.

Presentation:The computer becomes a large or small group presentation tool which connects to a digital projector or television which display  add videos, photos, maps another debates real resources to the presentation

Rotation: Computers become one of the three different learning experience in one to  three times instructional format.Students are divided into groups that are do learning activities on the computer, complete independent work with minimal supervision or review the rack academic instructions from the teacher.

References: Maloy, Robert, Verock-O’Loughlin,Ruth-Ellen, Edwards, Sharon A., and Woolf, Beverly Park (2013). Transforming Learning with New Technologies. 2nd Edition. Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc.

1 comment:

  1. You indicate some great content from the chapter but I see no personal reflection about the meaning of how you would fit into any of the categories or what you might have noticed in your observations of classes, etc...the purpose of these digital badges. Also, the photo appears to be copyrighted and is not properly attributed. :(
