Sunday, October 26, 2014

Digital Badge: Chapter 4

Digital Badge: Chapter 4

After reading chapter four of Transforming Learning with New Technologies. The most important concepts I found  interesting were:

Academic Content (What to Teach)

As teachers and future teachers we are  going to be making choices about our academic concept. What is academic concept? Academic concept are the facts, skills and understandings we as teachers are going to share with our students. It important that the school systems guidelines, the state and national curriculum frameworks define and in some cases orders what will be educated. As teachers,  it important  that our lesson development connects to local curriculum frameworks , which are aligned to state and national standards. Meanwhile, since there no local curriculum spells out teachers decide what they will be teaching everyday. Technology plays an essential role in assisting teachers, such as answering them "What to teach" question. There digital content available on the internet it includes a vast connection of curriculum resources and information. Using internet search engines, online encyclopedia, blogs, wikis and other technology tools both the student and teacher can gain access to powerful new ways to explore and regain information.

Teaching Goals, Method ,Procedures (How to Teach)

Teacher don't just decide on the academic concept. But they also decide the teaching goals, methods, and procedures they will use with  their classroom/classes. What are goals? Goals are the reason why a lesson is being taught. The Student learns new information that he or she would implied in their lives or can use in the future. Methods are the instructional strategies teachers used to convey academic concepts to student (large groups or small group discussions) case study, creative writing, reflection journals and  learning games. Procedures are the scheduling and grouping of students by teachers doing a lesson and the decision  of how much time to spend on each activity. Everyday  teachers are combining  their classroom goals, methods and procedures. However, academic content, goals, methods and procedures equally support each other  in a dynamic process of lesson development. Another support of lesson development is technology. Technology supports  in a variety of ways such as the following presentation Software: wikis, teacher developing websites, blogs and Web Quest.The video above demonstrates a teacher creating a lesson plan in which show what he or she wants their student to learn.

Learning Assessments (Knowing What Students Have Learned)

Teachers have many obligations .One of them is the Learning assessments . Learning assessments occur before, during and after the teaching lessons. The learning lesson enable the teachers to evaluate student in what they had learned at the end of the lesson, what's the student reaction as the class lesson unfolds and diagnostics what students already knows. Teacher include multiple-choice ,short answer essays , oral discussions class participation, portfolios and performances, all of which provide evidence of what students have learned and are able to do as a result of the teaching. Technology also  support the learning assessment by the teacher providing their students with electronic tests , quizzes , grade keeping software, and online surveys, ect.


Maloy, Robert, Verock-O’Loughlin,Ruth-Ellen, Edwards, Sharon A., and Woolf, Beverly Park (2013). Transforming Learning with New Technologies. 2nd Edition. Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc.

The Revised 5 Minute Lesson Plan. (2013, May 23). Retrieved from

1 comment:

  1. Great summary on the lesson plan components as provided in the chapter reading - remember, though, that the focus of the blog postings are to engage in the material in a reflective manner. That means you need to personalize the writing to think about how you would use it in your future classroom or how you have seen it used in your observations or past experience. You can also reflect on the material by asking questions about it and perhaps finding the answer by asking others or researching, etc. In other words, it is much deeper than summarizing what you read.

    Your video also enhanced the content nicely (love that animated software!) - looking for your own created digital web 2.0 tool for those extra points!
